Acting in good faith
SIC expects all parties to act in good faith when reporting a whistleblowing complaint. If allegations are found to be malicious, appropriate action may be taken, up to and including disciplinary action and legal action, where applicable.
Gift Policy
SIC’s Employees may accept modest gifts or tokens of appreciation if they are of nominal value (under RM50), not cash or cash equivalents, and not intended to influence business decisions or create a sense of obligation. The gift should be consistent with customary business practices and comply with laws and regulations.
Integrity Pact
Integrity Pact is an agreement between SIC and its vendors, contractors, suppliers and business partners which outline that both parties will abstain from bribery, collusion and other corrupt practices when fulfilling contract terms.
It promotes clean operations on both sides and yield other benefits such as greater transparency in contracting and enhancement of public confidence and trust.
SIC requires all its existing and new contractors, business partners, suppliers, consultants and vendors to sign an Integrity Pact with SIC to ensure transparency with doing business.
The identity of parties reporting a Whistle-blowing complaint will be kept confidential. Utmost confidentiality of the conduct of the investigation will carried out by the Integrity Manager.
Protection from retaliation
Any party that retaliates against someone who has reported a Wrongdoing in good faith may be subject to appropriate action, up to and including termination of employment and legal action, where applicable.