Sic appointed by PKNS to develop and operate the 1st Smart City for PKNS at Selangor Cyber Valley.
Selangor Cyber Valley Smart City 3 Layers of Smart City
Phase 1st of The Smart City Building The Technology Infrastructure
1st phase ( 2017 – 2019 ) to be completed in Q2 2019
Planning the concept & building the infrastructure of Smart City
- Construction 8 km of fiber optic infrastructure
- Covering for Section 1 of SCV
- Development of Open Portal APP, Public Reporting System
- Setting-up of The Network Operation Center (NOC) to manage Telecommunication Network
- Setting-up of The Integrated Command Center (ICC) to manage Smart City
- Deployment to dedicated internet access to corporate users
Phase 2nd of The SCV Smart City Delivering 6 Initiatives of Smart City
2nd Phase (2018 – 2020) to be completed by end 2019
Expand the infrastructure and deliver 6 smart city initiatives
- Expansion of fiber optic infrastructure
- Deployment of high speed broadband to residential
- deployment of Smart CCTV analytical surveillance
- Deployment of Smart LED Street Lights
- Deployment of Smart Traffic Lights
- Deployment of LoRa IoT System
- Installation of sensors
Deliver 6 initiatives of Smart City
- Internet City
- Secure & Safe City
- Community City
- Efficient City
- Eco Green City
- Smart Premises
Phase 3rd of The Smart City Realising all 9 Initiatives of The SCV Smart City
3rd Phase (2020 – 2022)
- Enhance development of Open Portal Community Center
- Development of Smart CCTV analytical surveillance
- Development of Smart Lakeside Community Center
- Development of Edu-City program with the collaboration of local University to set-up living lab to deploy & access the lot performance
- Development of Entrepreneurship program for Technology Start-Up
- Deployment of comprehensive of sensors
Phase 4 of The SCV Smart City Expansion beyond Smart City
4th Phase (2023 – 2027)
Expand coverage to reach 1300 acres
Enhancement of smart city value to achieve :
- One stop solution for public
- Global innovation (full IT stack & partnership)
- Adoption of new technology , Robotic, VR, AR, IR in accordance to industry 4.0 development
- Deployment of 5G coverage
- Fully coverage of wireless internet via 5G and public WIFI
- Replication of the Smart City to other township